Friday, December 4, 2009

A Chistmas Angel

An interesting footnote on life, for the upcoming holidays.

Yesterday, while working at a business downtown.( I had been up on the roof trying to repair an ancient air conditioning and heating system.) I was taking my extension ladder down and putting it up onto my ladder rack on top of my service truck. I noticed this man walking towards me. He looked like a homeless person. He had on rags for clothes and was somewhat tattered in appearance.

He had a paper cup full of Ramen Noodles, you know the kind that you see in stores, that you add water to and heat up in a microwave. He was walking up to me with that familiar look, like he was going to ask me for a handout and I was preparing myself for my answer. I finally got my ladder up in place. He was still standing there looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

He looked at me with this funny expression and said, "No...I help him clean." pointing at the business behind me where I was working.

"Oh", I said. I started to walk away from him to get in my truck, so that I could fill out my invoice. As I got up in the truck seat and sat down, he walked back over to where I was. He was making me a little bit uncomfortable. I looked out the door at him and said, "Do you need something?"

"No". He smiled at me and then he said, "Merry Christmas!"

It sunk in, in an instant how judgmental I had been. I felt humbled. It's funny, I had been in a "Bah-Humbug" state and haven't even felt the Christmas spirit this year. I've been listening to a radio station that has been playing nothing but Christmas carols all month now and in spite of this, just haven't been in a very festive mood.

This man had just about all that he owned, on his back. I have been truly blessed in comparison and in spite of this difference, he had a better outlook at that exact moment, than I did.

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13:2

God certainly works in mysterious ways.

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